New Enrolments

If you are interested in swimming classes at Brunei Swimming Club, you simply need to complete the appropriate enrolment & consent forms and send it to us. Please note that all students below 16 years of age are classified as children. Also, BSC has classes called "Baby n Me" for infants and toddlers aged 4 months to 3 years.

The forms for adults and children are accessible from the following links (To save a copy onto your computer, Right-click and Save Target As ...):

Your enrolment application can be sent via:
  • Email.  Download the document and complete the enrolment form in doc format. Note that any signatures required can be signed at the Club prior to a lesson. Then, email the completed form as an attachment to
  • Fax.  Print out a copy and complete the enrolment form. Then, simply fax the completed form to fax no. 02-333031.
  • In Person.  Print out a copy and complete the enrolment form. Then, just drop it off at the Club, preferably during opening hours.